This page provides updates on the running/field accomplishments of our athletes who have graduated from Cherokee High School. Please send additional Alumni information to Coach Shaklee or to the Webmaster.
The seasons follow in chronological order. Click on the desired season or on the "most recent entry:"
Summer and Cross Country, 2012-- On July 4, 2012, Alum Marc Pelerin '02, now teaching and coaching at Cherokee High School, competed in a highly-competitive Firecracker 5K in Haddon Heights, NJ. Marc took 6th in the race, clocking 16:28 (5:17 pace). Details at: L & M Sports.
-- On July 4, 2012, a contingent of Alums returned for what has become something of an alumni run in Marlton, the Marlton Mayor's Cup 5K! Indeed, as strong believers in building self-esteem among the younger, less-experienced runners on Cherokee's present Cross Country team, they "allowed" Senior Shawn Wilson to win the race! This bunch of great guys includes Steve Burkholder '10 (4th in 17:12); Chris Applegate '09 (5th in 17:38); Kyle Miller '09 (11th in 18:41); Kyle Muench '10 (12th in 18:38); Drew Viscidy '12 (16th in 19:02); Bill Hornung '12 (22nd in 19:39); Ian Foley '10 (25th in 19:59); Jeremy Morgan '12 (26th in 20:07); Matt Mueller '02 (36th in 20;43); and Adam Henriksen '09 (59th in 21:39). Several Alumni parents were also in the race: Chip Candy finished in 46th (21:11); Don Henriksen finished in 49th (21:24); Mike McCarroll finished in 122nd (23:44); and Joe Foley finished in 432nd (31:22). Details at: L & M Sports.
-- On July 14, 2012, Alum Marc Saccomanno '08, of The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, ran the Woody Pinkerton Memorial 5K around the Kings Grant development in Marleton. Marc finished 1st in his age group and 2nd overall in a liesurly 18:05. As he is scheduled to enter the Marine Corps after graduation, we assume he was wearing a 50 pound pack throughout the race! GO MARC!
-- In mid-August, several Alums served as counselors at the RunningWorks Cross Country Camp in Canadensis, PA. They included Marc Pelerin '02, Ted Schickling '08, Kevin Cuneo '04, Steve Burkholder '10, Ty Somers '11, and Greg Malloy '11.
-- On August 31, 2012, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the 3 mile Bison Open. Chris finished 25th while clocking 16:30 (5:30 pace) in the race. In addition, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, finished 37th in the race, clocking 17:03 (5:41 pace). Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On August 31, 2012, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of the US Merchant Marine Academy, began his college racing career at the US Military Academy at West Point where he competed in the Army Open! Matt finished 35th overall and 7th on his team, clocking 18:52 on a hilly 5.4K course. Details at: Army Sports.
-- On September 1, 2012, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to Long Island, NY for the Stony Brook XC Season Opener. Josh finished 48th in the 6K race clocking 22:08.52 (5:56.4 pace). Pictures are file photos from Manhattan College. Details at: Go Jaspers.
-- On September 8, 2012, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, competed in the Nassaney Invitational at Bryant University in Smithfield, R.I. Sean finished 14th overall in a time of 26.31.9 (5:20 pace). His team took 3rd out of 15 teams. Details at: Bryant Bulldogs.
-- On September 8, 2012, Alums Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, and Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, had the great pleasure of racing the aptly-named Fordham Fiasco in a driving rain at VanCortlandt Park in New York City. Indeed, while tornados were reported in near-by Brooklyn and Queens, the Cross Country meet went on as scheduled with Steve finishing the 5 Mile race in 37th place, 5th on his team, clocking 28.22.72 (5:40 pace) and Josh finishing in 86th place, clocking 29.20 (5:52 pace) on the flooded course! A fun story to tell their grandchildren: "Why, when I was a boy . . .". Details at: Fordham Sports.
-- On September 8, 2012, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of the US Merchant Marine Academy, competed in the waterlogged 5th Annual Purchase College Invitational. Purchase is about 30 minutes north of New York City and it was hit by the same storm that affected the Fordam Fiasco mentioned above. In an incredibly lopsided event, USMMA took the first twelve places and easily swept the race! Cross Country powerhouse, The Culinary Institute of America took 2nd. Matt finished 6th on his team in 30.06 (6:03 pace). Picture from USMMA. Details at: Purchase Sports.
-- On September 15, 2012, the day of the Cherokee Challenge, Alum Brett Wintermute '04 reported that he and Matt Dolan '05 participated in the Tri-State NJ Super Spartan Race in Vernon, NJ on September 8th. The race is described as an "obstacle race . . . 8-9 miles of the gnarly, rugged and extreme" though Brett claimed the distance was actually 11 miles . . . or was it 20?! Brett (BIB 66610) finished the contest in 1,204th place, clocking 4:09.20 (31:10 pace); while Matt (BIB 63109) finished in 425th place, clocking 3:24.08 (25:31 pace). Dubious as all of this sounds, the evidence is on the Internet at: Spartan Race, 2012. There are several days/categories: make sure the race is the "Saturday Super Spartan: Open." Also, Brett provided the following pictures from the event.
-- On September 15, 2012, Alum Greg Malloy '11, of Boston College, competed in the grandly-named 18th Annual Iona Meet of Champions on the 8K course at VanCortlandt Park in the Bronx. Greg finished 85th in 27:32 (5:33 pace). His team took 2nd out of 14 teams. Details at: Iona College.
-- On September 15, 2012, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, and Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, competed on a revised course at Holmdel Park . . . two laps of the "bowl mile" . . . in the 18th Annual Monmouth Invitational. Sean finished 7th in the competition, 2nd on his team, clocking 27:22 (5:29 pace); and while there are a few pictures of Aiden on the Felician website, he was not reported in the results . . . perhaps he just refused to do those two laps of the bowl! Picture of Shawn from Monmouth website. Pictures of Aiden from the Felician website: Felician Athletics. Details at: NMN Athletics.
-- On September 15, 2012, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to Long Island University for the Long Island Post XC Invitational. Matt finished 46th out of 167 runners (8th on his team) in the 8K race while clocking 28:45.5 (5:47 pace). Details at: LIU athletics.
-- FYI: This September, the Shore Coaches Association posted an updated list of Boys All-Time Holmdel Park Records and only three of Cherokee's stars remain in the top 100! Marc Pelerin '02 is 29th with 15:43 in 2001; Keith Krieger '03 is 34th with 15:45 in 2002; and not-yet Alum Shawn Wilson is 35th also with 15:45 in 2011! See Boys All-Time at Holmdel.
-- On September 22, 2012, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, competed in the 36th Annual Father Leeber Invitational at Fairfield University in Connecticut. Steve finished 24th in the seven team 8K race, clocking 28:04 (5:38 pace). Details at: Fairfield Stags.
-- On September 22, 2012, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, competed in the Lock Haven Cross Country Qualifier on the Lock Haven campus in Pennsylvania. Bill finished 102nd out of 176 runners, clocking 29:53.3 (6:01 pace) in the 8K race. Details at: Go SU.
-- On September 22, 2012, Alum Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, traveled to the 33rd Annual Philadelphia Metro Cross Country Championships at Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park. With only five teams in the competition, Aiden finished the 5 Mile race in 34th overall and 8th on his team while clocking 31:54.52 (6:23 pace) . . . welcome to Belmont! Results at: Felician Athletics.
-- On September 28, 2012, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, and Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, competed in a muddy 8K Paul Short Invitational at Lehigh University. Sean ran in the Brown Race, finishing 5th on his team and 73rd overall while clocking 26:37 (5:22 pace); while Matt and Aiden ran in the White Race, with Matt finishing 4th on his team and 82nd overall, clocking 28:22 (5:43 pace), and Aiden finishing 6th on his team and 87th overall, clocking 28:25 (5:43 pace). There were 283 finishers in the Brown Race and 322 in the White Race. Details at: Paul Short.
-- On September 29, 2012, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, participated in what was essentially a dual meet or a workout against St. Francis University, the Father Bede Cross Country Invitational. Chris finished 20th overall, clocking 25:23.8 (5:50 pace) in the 7K on the golf course at Loretta, Pennsylvania. Details at: Bucknell Bison.
-- On September 29, 2012, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, stayed at home for the annual Ashley Shell Tomlinson Alumni Run a rolling 3 mile run in Selinsgrove, PA. Bill finished 20th while clocking 18:03 (6:00 pace). Results at: GO SU.
-- On October 5, 2012, Alums Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, and Josh Perez '10, of Mathattan University, competed in the Metropolitan Conference XC Championships at VanCortlandt Park in New York City. Steve finished the ten-team 8K race in 38th place overall and 3rd on his team, clocking 27:49.18 (5:36 pace), and Josh finished in 106th place, clocking 34:11.67 (6:53 pace). Details at: Go Jaspers.
-- On October 6, 2012, Alum Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, competed in the 5th Annual Jack St. Clair Memorial CC Championships at Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia. Aiden clocked 30:39 (6:06 pace) on the challenging 5 Mile course, finishing 4th on his team and 32nd overall. Pictures from Philadelphia University photographer linked at Felician website. Details at: Felician Athletics.
-- On October 7, 2012, Alum Joe Halin '00, of the Moorestown Running Company, went off the deep end and competed in the Blues Cruise Ultra, a 50K (31 miles) trail run near the Pagoda and Blue Marsh Lake in Reading, PA. Joe clocked 3:43.24 and placed 1st on the hilly course, almost 4 minutes ahead of his closest competitor! Details at: Blues Cruise. Pictures from their site. Joe sent an interesting Garmin-eye view of the race: Garmin.
-- On October 7, 2012, Alum Greg Malloy '11, of Boston College, made what is apparently his first showing this CC season in the 8K All New England XC Championships at Stanley Park, Westfield, MA. Greg competed in the Sub-Varsity race, finishing 30th out of 205, clocking 26:23 (5:19 pace). His team made a strong showing winning the race with Greg as their 7th man. Details at: Cool Running.
-- On October 7, 2012, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to delightful Newark, NJ for the 9th Annual NJIT Highlander XC Challenge, an 8K race in Branch Brook Park. His team placed 1st of 20 teams in the D-II, D-III, and Junior College division. Matt placed 59th out of 160 competitors, crossing the line in 28:47 (Pace 5:48). Details at: NJIT.
-- On October 13, 2012, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, and Steve Burkholder '09, of Rutgers University traveled to nearby Princeton University for the Princeton Cross Country Invitational. In the 24-team championship race, Sean took 105th in team scoring and 5th on his team, clocking 25:56 (pace 5:14), and Steve took 136th in team scoring and 7th on his team in 26:37 (pace 5:22). Further details at: Go Tigers.
-- On October 13, 2012, Alums Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, and Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, participated in the 8K Gettysburg College Invitational. Chris took 20th in the team competition (5th on his team: 35 teams, 389 finishers) while clocking 26:28 (pace 5:20); and Bill took 224th out of 389 while clocking 29:24 (pace 5:55). Details at: cstv.
-- On October 19, 2012, Alum Greg Malloy '11, of Boston College, traveled to the small five-team Rothenberg CC Invitational at Goddard State Park in Warwick, RI. (The site of Cherokee's 2008 race -- Greg was a Sophomore -- that became known as "The Great Monsoon Race of '08!") Though reportedly "rain-slicked," apparently there were no monsoons this time and Greg finished 20th in the 8K race, crossing the line in 26:29.4 (5:20 pace). Details at: Platt Systems.
-- On October 21, 2012, Alum Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, returned to the unfriendly hills of Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park for the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference Cross Country Championships. Aiden's team looked good up front as his teammates took 1st and 2nd but then Wilmington University -- who knew? -- put five guys in before Felician's 3rd man. Felician had to settle for 2nd in the ten-team race. Aiden took 17th overall, 6th on his team, clocking 29:16 (pace 5:53). Details at: CACC Athletics. The conference is expected to post some pictures from the meet but, while we wait, does anyone recognize this college freshman racing at Belmont in the "black and white era" of 1974! Mercy!
-- On October 27, 2012, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University competed in the Big East Cross Country Championships, an 8K race at VanCortlandt Park in New York City. Steve had a kinda off day when he finished 104th in a field of 114, 8th on his team, while clocking 28:53 (5:48 pace). Details at: Big East.
-- On October 27, 2012, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, and Bill Hornung of Susquehanna University traveled to Altoona, PA for the Landmark Conference Cross Country Championships, an 8K race in the Fort Roberdeau Historic Site. Both guys had bad days! Matt finishing his race in 58th place overall and 12th on his team, while clocking 29:52 (6:00 pace). His team took 3rd in the 8-team race. Bill finished in 63rd overall and 15th on his team, clocking 30:20.2 (6:07 pace). His team took 2nd. Race details at: Go SU.
-- On October 27, 2012, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, traveled to Bryant University in Providence, RI for the Northeast Conference Cross Country Championships. Sean finished in 33rd overall and 6th on his team, while clocking 26:43 (pace 5:23) in the 8K race. His team finished 2nd, 6 points behind the winning team and 1 point ahead of the 3rd place team! Details at: NEC.
-- On November 3, 2012, Alum James Maneval '05, graduate of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, now living in Concord, NC, competed in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, Savannah, finishing 16th overall in 2:58.20! Ran it last year too but slower: 3:22.07. This year, he went out more cautiously and reached the 20 mile point at almost the same time as 2011 (2:15), and obviously finished a lot faster! Details at: Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. Click on Marathon, then enter James' Bib # 1114 for all the race details.
-- On November 4, 2012, Alum Aiden Lynch '12, of Felician College, competed in the NCAA Division II Northeast Regional Cross Country Championships at Miners Falls Park in Nashua, NH. Aiden had a tough time in this 10K race, finishing 6th on his team, 166th out of 188 runners, clocking 37:29.7 (6:02 pace). Grim details at: Platt.
-- On November 9, 2012, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, competed in the NCAA Division I Mid-Atlantic Cross Country Championships on the Penn State XC course in University Park, PA. Sean finished 127th in team scoring, 4th on his team, crossing the line in 34:00 (5:28 pace). Results include splits: 4:55 (mile); 15:52 (3 mile); 27:13 (5 mile). His team finished 19th. Further details at: MileSplit/PA.
-- On November 17, 2012, Alums Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, and Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to Van Cortlandt Park in New York city for the 104th ICAAAA Cross Country Championships. Steve's team took 3rd in the University Division race but Steve had a somewhat difficult outing on the classic 5-mile course. He finished 73rd overall, 7th on his team, in 27:59.3 (5:36 pace). Sean finished only two places ahead of Steve, 71st overall, 9th on his team, in 27:55.1 (5:35 pace). His team took 5th. Josh finished in 107th overall, 6th on his team, in 28:51.4 (5:47 pace). Details at: ECAC Sports.
-- On November 22, 2012, Alums Joe Halin '00, of the Moorestown Running Company, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University did a light workout at the Moorestown Turkey Trot. No official times, just running with friends and family.
-- On November 30, 2012, Alum John Barr '12, of Moravian College, opened his college career at the Lehigh Season Opener at Lehigh's Rauch Fieldhouse in Bethlehem. John competed in three events: the 200m Dash, where he took 1st in his heat and 7th/20 overall, in 23.69; in the 400m Dash, where he took 2nd in his heat, 8th/18 overall, in 54.22; and in the 4 X 400m Relay, where his team took 3rd in their heat, 3rd/5 overall, in 3:37.98. Details at: Lehigh Sports.
-- On December 1, 2012, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, opened his senior Winter Track season with a nice performance at the Bow-Tie Classic at Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA! Justin took 1st in the High Jump, clearing 2.05m (6' 8.75"); and, not quite so nice, he took 9th in the Long Jump, leaping only 5.85m (19' 2.50"). For the record, GMC reports that this is the third year in a row that Justin took 1st place at this meet, and he now leads the nation in the event after the first weekend by 5 centimeters! They also report that Justin is a three-time National Qualifier in the high jump and a 2010 Indoor All-American! Finally, this jump meets the qualifying standard for the ECAC Championships in February! Details at: GMC Griffins. Picture from GMC website:
-- On December 1, 2012, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, and Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, opened their winter track seasons at the Bison Open. Chris traveled all the way across campus to the Gerhard Fieldhouse to compete in the 5K, finishing 9th in 15:47.37. Bill bussed the 13 miles from Susquehanna to Bucknell to compete in the 3K, finishing 9th in 10:19.96. Details at: Bucknell Bison
-- On December 1, 2012, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, opened his season at the Cornell Relays on their campus at Ithaca, NY. Darren competed in the 300m Dash, where he finished 1st in his heat but 22nd overall in 36.88; and the 60m Dash where he again finished 1st in his heat but 25th overall in 7.34. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On December 9, 2012, Alums Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, and Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, opened their seasons -- and in Brandon's case, opened his college running career -- at the New Year's Invitational on the campus of Princeton University. Both had shakey starts! Ed competed in the Long Jump, where he finished 19th at 5.98m (19' 07.50"); and in the High Jump, where he finished 5th clearing 1.95m (6' 4.75"). Brandon competed in the 60m Dash, where he finished last in his heat in 7.57; in the 300m Dash, where he finished 4th out of 5 in his heat in 37.57; and in the 4 X 400m Relay, where his "B" team finished last in the heat in 3:39.27. Further details at: MileSplit/NJRunners.
-- On December 12, 2012, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College competed at the Haverford Holiday Meet on their campus in Haverford, PA. Justin competed in the High Jump -- 1st at 1.96m (6' 5") -- and the Long Jump -- 1st at 6.59m (21' 7.50"). Details at: GMC Griffons.
-- On January 5, 2013, Alums Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, and Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, had their first competition after the winter break at the Bucknell Mini-Meet on Bucknell's campus. Chris took the long way in the mile, finishing 9th in his section and 11th overall while clocking a leisurely 4:46.55; Justin did better in his main event, the High Jump, where he took 1st at 1.99m (6' 6.25"), and then the Long Jump, where he took 6th in 6.35m (20' 10"). Justin leads the nation in the Division III High Jump! Details at: Bucknell Bison.
-- On January 5, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, returned to competition at the Army Crowell Open on the campus of The US Military Academy at West Point. Not sure what happened here but Matt is shown to have run the mile, finishing in 25th of 35 with a time of 4:51.35. Details at: Go Army.
-- On January 5, 2013, Alum Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, stayed home to compete in the 3rd Annual Blue-White Invitational. He took 1st in the High Jump, clearing 2.01m (6' 7"), and 9th in the Long Jump at 6.01m (19' 9"). Details at: Monmouth.
-- On January 5, 2013, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, stayed at home for the Rutgers Invitational, a 3-team event featuring Temple, Fordham and Rutgers at the Rutgers Bubble. Steve raced the 1000m taking 3rd in 2:35.32. Details at: Scarlet Knights.
-- On January 11, 2013, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, traveled to the NYC Armory for the Gotham Cup. He competed in the mile where he took 2nd in his heat and 7th overall (48 runners) clocking 4:22.53; and in the 4 X 800m Relay where he anchored the 3rd place (14 overall) team that clocked 7:58.29. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 12, 2013, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to the nearby NYC Armory for the NYRR College Night at the Armory I and ran the 1000m in 2:39.87. He finished 6th in his heat and 15th/19 overall. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 12, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09 and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, bussed to the US Military Academy at West Point for the Army Multi-Team Meet. Sean competed in the Mile, crossing the line 1st in his heat in 4:27.27 (7th/21 overall), and Ed competed in the High Jump, where he took 4th of 13 jumpers while clearing 1.99m (6' 6"), and the Long Jump, where he finished 18th at 5.94m (19' 6"). Details at: Direct Results.
-- On January 12, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to The Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT for the Coast Guard Winter Invitational #1 where he competed in the 800m Run. Matt finished 2nd of 8 runners in 2:09.10. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 13, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, opened his Spring campaign at the Dartmouth Relays on the campus in Hanover, NH. Greg competed in the 3K, finishing 11th in his heat and 25th/32 overall, clocking 9:16.54. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 17, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, traveled all the way across town to the Boston University Multi- Team Meet where he again competed in the 3K, this time finishing 21st/26 overall while clocking 9:04.88. Details at: BC Eagles.
-- On January 18, 2013, Alum John Barr '12, of Moravian College, traveled to the Orange and Maroon Classic at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. John led-off in the 4 X 200m Relay that finished 4th out of 6 teams overall, clocking 1:35.93. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 18, 2013, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, bussed to the Armory in New York City for the Great Dane Classic. He raced the 1K, finishing 13th/26 overall and crossed the line in 2:32.09. Details at: Armory.
-- On January 19, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09 and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, traveled to Lehigh University for the Angry Birds' Invitational, a small 4-team competition that included Lehigh, St. Joseph's University, Winthrop University and Monmouth. Sean raced the 3K finishing 5th/11 in 8:46.75, and Ed competed in the High Jump finishing 2nd/9 clearing 2.00m (6' 6.75"). Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 19, 2013, Alums Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the Gulden Invitational where he competed in the 3K, finishing 10th/15 while clocking 9:03.66. Details at: Bucknell Bison.
-- On January 19, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, treaveled to the Wesleyan Track and Field Invitational in Middletown, CT where he competed in the 1K. Matt finished 1st in his heat but 16th/26 overall in 2:50.10. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 19, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, returned to Ithaca, NY for the Cornell Upstate Challenge but all did not go well. Competing in the 60m High Hurdles, Darren finished last in his heat and last overall with a time of 10.96. Since he can do the 60m backwards in this time, we assume he fell and hope to see him competing again soon. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 24, 2013, Alums Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, and Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, bussed to the NYC Armory for the Metropolitan Indoor Track and Field Championships. Steve raced the Mile and took 6th in his heat (20th overall) in 4:22.14; and Josh competed in the 4,000m DMR where his team took 4th in a field of 7, clocking 10:37.23. Details at: Direct Athletics
-- On January 25, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, traveled to University Park, PA for the Penn State National Invitational. Darren did better than last week but he had some tough competition in the 60m High Hurdles. He finished last in his heat and 27th/29 overall, crossing the line in 8.62. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On January 25, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the 15th Annual Bison Open where he competed in the 5K, finishing 13th/28 overall in 15:58.91. Details at: MileSplit.PA.
-- On January 25, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09 and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, competed in the Boston University Terrier Classic, a highly competitive meet at BU's Track Center. Sean raced the 3K, an event with 10 heats and 143 runners! Sean took 7th in the 4th heat (54th/143 overall), clocking 8:37.68, while Ed placed 6th out of 39 High Jumpers, clearing 2.0m (6' 6.75"). He and five others cleared 2.0m but Ed was forced to take 6th on misses. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 1, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, traveled to the New York City Armory for the Armory Collegiate Invitational to compete in the 60m High Hurdles, College Division. Darren qualified in the Prelims taking 4th in 8.40 and then taking 3rd in the Finals, clocking 8.29! Details at: Main Meet Page; and Men's results.
-- On February 2, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09 and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, and Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, converged on Coxe Cage at Yale University for the Giegengack Invitational, and two seem to have set PR's while there! Sean competed in the Mile, finishing 4th in his heat and 9th/31 overall while crossing the line in 4:18.23; and Josh competed in the 800m Run, finishing 2nd in his heat and 15th/27 overall, clocking 2:00.69, and in a 4 X 400m Relay that finished 1st in the heat and 10th/16 overall! Ed competed in the High Jump, clearing 1.94m (6' 4.3") and taking 2nd on misses. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 2, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, bussed to the Springfield College Indoor Track and Field Meet # 3 at the fieldhouse there in Springfield, MA. Matt competed in the Mile, finishing 8th in his heat and 8th/20 overall in 4:48.36. Matt also competed in the 4000m Distance Medley Relay, where his USMMA B-team finished 6th of 7 teams in 11:54.94. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 2, 2013, Alum John Barr '12, of Moravian College, took the short trip across town to the ten-team 21st Annual John Covert Classic in the Rauch Fieldhouse at Lehigh University. John raced the 400m Dash, finishing 4th in his heat, 14th/25 overall, in 54.87; and the 200m Dash, where he finished 2nd in his heat, 6th/38 overall, in 23.62. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 8, 2013, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, took an unscheduled trip to the Armory in New York City for the Lafayette-Rider Winter Games, a substantially larger meet than the name implies, and surprisingly one that was held at all due to the behemoth snowstorm that was pummeling the east coast! Undeterred, Steve took 1st/7 overall in the Championship 1K, breaking the tape at 2:29.98. Details at: Armory Track.
-- On February 9, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the 19th Annual Winter Classic where he competed in the 3K, finishing 23rd/37 overall in 9:17.98. Details at: Bucknell Bisons Live Stats.
-- On February 9, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, competed in the Northeast Conference Indoor Championships at the Price George Sports Center in Landover, MD. Sean "doubled" at the meet, racing the 3K in 8:41.67, taking 7th/17 overall, and the 5K in 15:30.91, taking 12th/20. Sean added 2 points to Monmouth's overall score. Ed cleared 2.04m (6' 8.25") in the High Jump to take 2nd and add another 8 points! Monmouth won the meet and the 11-team conference title with 164.5 points, 36.5 more than their closest competitor! Details at: CFPI Timing.
-- On February 9, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, traveled to the Cornell Kane Invitational in Ithaca, NY and competed in the 60m High hurdles. Darren took 2nd in his heat, 9th/29 overall, clocking 8.49. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 9, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, somehow got out of the snow on Long Island to bus the 200 miles to Sellinsgrove, PA for the Susquehanna Invitational. There he ran the 800m, finishing 23rd/38 overall in 2:08.11. Details at: GO SU.
-- On February 11, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, traveled to nearby Tufts University for the Tufts Cupid Challenge, a last opportunity for some to sharpen before the upcoming conference championships. Greg raced the 5K in 15:55.08, a 5th/12 place showing in the event. Details at: GO Tufts.
-- On February 15, 2013, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, competed in the MAAC Indoor Trcak and Field Championships at the Armory in New York City. He raced in the 4K Distance Medley Relay where his team took 2nd/5 in 10:20.76, adding 8 points to Manhattan's overall score and helping them to win the conference championship. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 15, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to the 2nd Annual Molloy Invitational at Saint Anthony's High School in nearby South Huntington, N.Y. Matt took 11th/44 in the 800m Run clocking 2:05.77, and his team took 4th/6 in the 4 X 800m Relay crossing the line in 8:46.14. Details at: Malloy Athletics.
-- On February 16, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College competed at the Mason-Dixon Conference Indoor Championships at Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA. Justin competed in the High Jump and won the event at a relatively low 1.91m (6' 3.25"). The scoresheet shows he passed through 1.81m, then cleared 1.86 (6' 1.25") and 1.91 (6' 3.25") on his first attempts. He retired after that having clinched 1st place. The college website reported that this was his first return to action since suffering a knee injury early in the semester. He is currently ranked in a tie for seventh in the nation at 2.06 meters and has two weeks to heal completely before the national championships on March 8th at North Central College in Naperville, IL. Details at: GWC Griffins.
-- On February 16, 2013, Alums Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, traveled to the SPIRE Institute Track and Field Facility in Geneva, OH for the Big East Indoor Track and Field Conference Championships. Darren competed in the 60m High Hurdles, taking 5th in his preliminary heat and 9th overall in 8.42. In the Finals, he took 8th in 8.35 and scored a point for the team! Steve competed in the 1K, taking 6th in his heat, 14th/22 overall, in 2:30.54; and in the 4K Distance Medley Relay with his team taking 9th/11 in 10:05.36. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 22, 2013, Alum Ross Staudt '12, of Widener University, traveled to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA for the MAC Indoor Track and Field Championships. Ross and his team finished 6th in his heat, 7th/11 overall, in a leisurely 3:38.23! Despite that, Widener won the championship by a wide margin. Details at: Direct Athletics.
- On February 22, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, stayed at home for the Monmouth Moonlight at the MAC. A small meet, Sean took first while doing some speedwork in the 1600m, clocking an apparent PR of 4:17.58; Ed "no heighted" in the High Jump while competing against three other Monmouth athletes. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 23, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to the Landmark Conference Track and Field Championships at Susquehanna College in Selinsgrove, PA. Matt ran the second leg of the 4 X 800m Relay and his team took 2nd in 8:15.36. Those eight points helped USMMA take 3rd in the competition behind Moravian and Susquehanna. And later, USMMA was awarded the Landmark Conference Sportsmanship Cup "for their superior level of sportsmanship" throughout the season! Meet details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On February 24, 3013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College competed in the George Mason Last Chance Meet at the Mason campus in Fairfax, VA. At this writing, Justin is 10th on the "national performance list" that determines who will be invited to the Division III Nats on March 8th, and this meet was an opportunity to test and strengthen his knee as he returns from a January injury. Justin took 2nd among the college competitors, clearing 2.00m (6' 6.75"). Justin came in at 1.95m (6' 4.75") and cleared on the first attempt; he then cleared 2.00m (6' 6.75") on his second attempt but his main competitor cleared on his first attempt and took 1st place. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 1, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, traveled to Boston University for the IC4A/ECAC Division I Indoor Track and Field Championships. Sean raced pretty well in the Mile, clocking 4:19.61, but finished far behind the medal winners. Ed "no heighted" in the High Jump: the results suggest the starting height was a fairly challenging 2.01m (6' 7"). Steve ran in the 4 X 800m Relay. In the Trials, the team -- with Steve as the third leg -- took 2nd in their heat, 7th overall, in 7:34.17 and qualified for the Finals! In the Finals, the team -- with Steve leading-off -- took 6th of 8 qualifying teams, clocking 7:30.56! According to the Rutgers site, this was the fastest 4 X 800m Relay time since 2005! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 2, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College traveled to The Armory in New York City for the Eastern College Athletic Conference Division III Track and Field Championships where he accomplished a rare feat: he won his fourth consecutive ECAC Division III Championship in an individual event! Justin entered the High Jump seeded third and quickly outjumped most of the competition as he headed for the 7-foot level! He entered the competition at 1.96m (6' 5") and then cleared 2.01m (6' 7") and 2.06m (6' 9"). By this time, only one competitor remained and he took the lead by clearing 2.08m (6' 9.88") on his second attempt while Justin cleared it on his third. At 2.10m (6' 10.67"), his competition failed to clear while Justin cleared on his third attempt! Though he had won the competition, he went on to clear 2.14m (7.0'.25") on his second attempt. No further attempts are recorded. This is another PR performance (Indoor and Outdoor) that moves Justin up to 1st place on the "national performance list" for the Division III Nationals (March 8th) and it also surpasses the NCAA's get-on-the-list height of 2.09m (6' 10")! WOW! GO JUSTIN! Details at: Armory Track OR Direct Athletics.
-- On March 4, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, was recognized by the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches' Association (USTFCCCA) as the Division III Track & Field Athlete of the Week after his performance at the ECAC Championships last weekend. He leads the nation in the High Jump with his PR effort of 2.14 meters (7.0'.25"). The Gwynedd-Mercy website reminded its readers that Justin is a four-time national qualifier (three times indoor/once outdoor) and a 2010 Indoor All-American in the High Jump; and in 2012, he was named the NCAA Division III Mideast Regional Indoor Field Athlete of the Year. He is once again a candidate for the award.
-- On March 9, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, traveled to the NCAA Division III Indoor Track & Field Championships in Naperville, IL. Justin competed in the High Jump, clearing 2.04m (6' 8.25") but finishing a disappointing 8th in the competition. Justin passed at the starting height of 1.94m (6' 4.33") and cleared the next height of 1.99m (6' 6.25") on the first attempt. Then it got tougher. At 2.04m (6' 8.25"), he cleared on the third attempt but then failed to clear at 2.08m (6' 9.75"). Those misses at 2.04m cost him several places as two others failed at 2.08m but had cleared the earlier height sooner than Justin. Details at: GMC. In review, it was a heck of an indoor career: Mideast Region Field Athlete of the Year; the first NCAA Division III athlete in the history of the Armory T & F Center to clear 2.14m; four-time ECAC Champion; three-time NCAA qualifier; and two-time All-American! YIKES!
-- On March 9, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, headed south to escape the winter doldrums of the Northeast and to compete in the Coastal Carolina University Invitational at Conway, S.C., just a few minutes from Myrtle Beach! Unfortunately, It was not the happiest Spring Break for Matt as he ran the 1500m in a sluggish 4:29.12 and then anchored the Academy's 4 X 400m Relay team that clocked 3:38.57 . . . or maybe it was just a little too happy?! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 23, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, traveled south all the way to Bridgewater, MA -- OK, so it isn't a big Spring Break destination -- for the Bridgewater State University Bears Invitational. Cold and windy, as one might expect in late March in Massachusetts, Greg competed in the 5K, finishing 6th/23 in 15:35.30. Details at: T & F Reporting Results System.
-- On March 23, 2013, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, returned to competition at the Juniata College Invitational in cold and windy Huntingdon, PA., just south of State College. Bill competed in the 3K, finishing 11th/15 in 10:20.86. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 24, 2013, a number of Alums showed-up for the Little Mac's Journey Back 5K, a fund-raiser for Alum Matt McCarroll who suffered a life-altering accident last summer. Participants included: Steve Burkholder, Josh Perez, Sean Hartnett, Marc Pelerin, Ian Foley, Chris Applegate, Evan Stone, Ted Schickling, Kevin Cuneo, Steve McCarroll, Kyle Smith, Jeremy Morgan, Josh Ungerleiter and Mike Medvec. GO CHEROKEE! Details at: L & M Sports.
-- On March 29, 2013, Alum Ross Staudt '12, of Widener University, stayed at home, while Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, traveled to Widener College for the Danny Curren Invitational. Ross anchored the 4 X 400m Relay team that took 2nd, 3rd/18 teams overall, in 3:28.93. Justin took 1st in the High Jump, clearing 1.97m (6' 5.50"). Justin passed until 1.97m, cleared on his first attempt and then failed to clear at 2.02m. Details at: Widner Pride.
-- On March 29, 2013, Alum Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, stayed at home for the Monmouth Season Opener where he took 1st in the High Jump, clearing 2.0m (6' 6.75"). Details at: MileSplit/NJRunners. Picture from Monmouth website . . . not sure it's from this meet.
-- On March 29, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, traveled to the Raleigh Relays at N.C. State in Raleigh, N.C. Greg competed in the 10K, finishing 19th in Section II in 32:23.90. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 30, 2013, Alum Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, returned to competition in multiple events at the Ramapo College Northeast Challenge on the campus in Mahwah, N.J. In the 200m Dash, Brandon took 6th in 22.98; in the 400m Dash, he took 8th in 51.89; and in the 4 X 400m Relay, his team took 4th in 3:27.35. Details at: MileSplit/NJRunners.
-- On March 29/30, 2013, Alum Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, traveled to the Eight Annual Fred Hardy Invitational at the University of Richmond. Steve competed in the 1500m, finishing 17th (of 72) in 4:02.74; and the 800m, finishing 16th (of 67) in 1:56.79. Pictures from the Richmond website. Details at: Richmond.
-- On March 30, 2013, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, stayed at home for the Crusader Outdoor Classic where he competed in the 5K, finishing 17th in 17:21.00. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 30, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, traveled to the UMBC Big Dawg Invitational in Baltimore, MD. Chris competed in the 5K, finishing in 13th while clocking 16:00.07. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On March 4, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, after three months of darkness and snow in New York State, traveled to "the Sunshine State" for the Florida Relays at Pressly Stadium in Gainesville! That's pretty-much northern Florida but it had to be warmer than Syracuse! In passing, he competed in the 100HH and dropped his time a tad to set a new PR of 14.90! Details at: Direct Results.
-- On April 5, 2013, Alums Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, and Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, traveled to the Muhlenberg Spring Invitational in Allentown, PA. Justin competed in the 100m Dash where he took 18th of 49 overall in 11.66, and in the High Jump where he took 1st out of 18 competitors, clearing 2.08m (6' 9.9"). Matt competed in the 800m Run, clocking 2:07.01, 6th in his heat of 8, and 25th of 36 runners. He also led-off on the Academy's B-team 4 X 800m Relay, clocking 9:03.30 and finishing last in the heat. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 5/6, 2013, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, returned to New Jersey for the Ramapo College Roadrunner Invitational at the college in Wahwah. Josh competed in the 800m Run where he clocked 1:59.93, 4th in his heat, 14th of 76 competitors in the 800m. He also anchored the 4 X 400m Relay team that clocked 3:32.91, winning the heat and taking 8th of 18 teams. Details at: Direct Athletics
-- On April 5/6, 2013, Alums Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, went south to William and Mary College in Williamsburg, VA for the Colonial Relays. Ed competed in the High Jump where, along with five others, he cleared 1.94m (6' 4.3") but was forced into a tie for 8th place on misses! Steve was very busy, competing in the 1500m Run, clocking 4:02.25 and taking 4th out of 41 runners and scoring 5 points for Rutgers! Steve also competed in the 800m Run, clocking 1:56.73 for 3rd in his heat but 40th out of 63 competitors; and in the 4,000m Distance Medley Relay where he anchored the team to a 12th place finish out of 16 teams in 10:14.58. Rutgers won the meet! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 6, 2013, Alum Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, traveled to nearby Princeton University for the Sam Howell Invitational. Brandon led-off the B- team 4 X 400m Relay that took 18th of 23 teams in 3:26.53. Details at: Go Tigers.
-- On April 6, 2013, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, stayed at home for the Jim Taylor Invitational, a small meet held at their stadium there in Selinsgrove. Bill ran the 5K, finishing in 9th of 13 overall in 16:58.18, around 22 seconds faster than last week's effort. Details at: Go SU.
-- On April 11, 2013, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to Stony Brook University for the Wolfie Invitational where he competed in the 800m Run -- 6th in his heat, 12th/33 overall in 1:58.64, an apparent PR -- and the 4 X 400m Relay, which finished 5th/8 overall in 3:27.50 (listed as 1st alternate so he may not have run). Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 13, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, stayed in Florida for the Miami Hurricanes Alumni Invitational at the University of Miami in Coral Gables. Darren competed in the 200m Dash, finishing 4th in his heat, 26/38 overall, in 22.83, an apparent PR; and in the 110HH, where he finished 5th in his heat, 12/14 overall, in 15.19. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 13, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the Bison Outdoor Classic where he competed in the 1500m Run. Chris finished 10th in his heat, 116/125 overall, in 4:13.47. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 13, 2013, Alum Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, traveled to the George Mason Spring Invitational in Fairfax, VA. Ed competed in the High Jump where he cleared 1.94 (6' 4.3") with 9 other jumpers and finished 10th/39 overall. He's listed as the first in that tied group but additional jump details are unavailable. Meet details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 13, 2013, Alums Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, stayed close to home, bussing over to the Rider Invitational in Lawrenceville, NJ. Sean competed in the 1500m where he finished last in his heat, 22/48 overall in 4:10.37. Steve competed in the 800m where he finished 7th in his heat, 7th/37 overall, in 1:58.13, and the 1500m where he finished 3rd in his heat, 3/48 overall, in 4:00.78. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 13, 2013, Alum Matt Venanzi '12, of USMMA, returned to his New Jersey roots when he, along with Alum Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, competed at the New Jersey Invitational on the campus at TCNJ. Matt raced the 800m, finishing 9th in his heat, 42/59 overall, in 2:12.41. Brandon raced the 200m Dash, winning his heat in 22.97 and placing 10/71 overall; and in the 400m Dash, taking 2nd in his heat in 51.29 and placing 9/50 overall. Both are college PR's! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 17, 2013, Alums Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, competed in the Larry Ellis Invitational at Princeton University. Breathing the healthy air of New Jersey, Darren raced an apparent PR in the 110HH, where he took 2nd in his heat, 9/27 overall, clocking 14.84! Steve competed in 800m Run where he finished 5th in his heat, 24/36 overall, in 1:57.28; and in the 1500m Run where he finished 4th in his heat, 20/54 overall in 4:00.55. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 17, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, stayed at home for the Gwynedd-Mercy Mid-Week Invitational there in Gwynedd Valley, PA. Justin began by racing the 100m Dash, taking 4th in his heat, 5/16 overall, clocking 11.36. He then returned to his regular event, the High Jump, where he took 1st/6, clearing 2.05m (6' 8.75"). This performance established a new facility record. Turner is currently ranked 6th in the nation in the high jump with his season-best performance of 2.08 meters.Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 17/20, 2013, Alum Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, traveled west to the Kansas Relays in Lawrence. He cleared 2.02m (6' 7.5") to finish 12/26 overall. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 19, 2013, Alum Ross Staudt '12, of Widener University, stayed at home for the Widener Invitational. Ross competed in the 800m Run, finishing 2nd in his heat, 29th/72 overall, in 1:59.73. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 19, 2013, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, and Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, competed in the Greyhound Invitational at Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA. Sean raced the 1500m, taking 2nd in his heat, 7th/54 overall, in 4:04.84. Brandon raced both the 100m and 200m sprints. In the 100m, Brandon took 3rd in his heat, 11/39 overall, in 11.44; and in the 200m, he took 2nd in his heat, 7/54 overall, in 23.16. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 20, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, stayed at home for the small, 8-team Bucknell Team Challenge where he competed in the 3K, finishing 11/15 in 9:14.27. Details at: Direct Athletics. These pictures were sent anonymously and for good reason: apparently taken with a Kodak Brownie . . . but thanks!
-- On April 20, 2013, Alum Bill Hornung '12, of Susquehanna University, traveled close to one of his favorite summer "vacation" spots, Camp Canadensis, for the grandly-named All-American Meet at East Stroudsburg University. Bill ran the 5K, finishing 16/23 overall in 17:10.87. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alums Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, appeared at the same site to compete against each other in the 119th Penn Relays Carnival at Franklin Field in Philadelphia. Neither had a particularly great day as Ed tied for 11th/20 after clearing the opening height of 1.96m (6' 5") and Justin "no heighted" when he entered at but failed to clear 2.0m (6" 6.75"). Details at: Penn Relays. Click on "2013 schedule" link at top.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, failed to clear 2.0m (6' 6.75") at the Penn Relays that morning so he entered West Chester University's Last Chance Meet that evening! Justin cleared 2.00m at this meet but on the final attempt, and then he and his competition failed to clear at the following height, 2.05m (6' 8.75"). Justin took 2nd on misses at 2.0m. What the heck?! Details at: WCU Golden Rams.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, of Monmouth University, traveled to the Lehigh Games in Bethlehem, PA to race the 1500m. Sean finished in 4:12.15, taking 8th in his heat and 14th/25 overall. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alum Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, stayed at home and competed in two events at the Lions Invitational, the Open 400m Dash and the 4 X 400m Relay. In the Open 400m, Brandon finished 1st in his heat and 9th/57 overall, clocking 50.05. In the 4 X 400m Relay, his team took 4th in the heat and 6th/20 teams overall, clocking 3:32.39. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alums Ross Staudt '12, of Widener University, and Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to the Lions Invitational at The College of New Jersey in Ewing. Both competed in the 800m Run, with Ross finishing 4th in his heat, 23/91 overall, in a college PR of 1:57.74; and Josh finishing 6th in his heat, 26/91 overall, in 1:17.96. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 26, 2013, Alum Greg Malloy '10, of Boston College, took the short ride out to Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts for the Stonehill Invitational. He competed in the 5K, finishing 11th/20, clocking 15:51.32. Details at: Stonehill.
-- On April 27, 2013, Alum Chris Applegate '09, of Bucknell University, traveled the 30 minutes to nearby Bloomsburg University for the Maroon and Gold Invitational. Chris raced the 5K in 15:43.56, finishing 9th/14 in the event. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On April 28, 2013, Alum Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, bussed to Ithaca, New York for the Cornell Big Red Outdoor Invitational and competed in the 110HH. Darren clocked a PR 14.38 in the Trials, taking 2nd in his heat and 7th/32 overall! Seeded 7th in the Finals, he took 5th, crossing the line in 14.67! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 2, 2013, Alum Ross Staudt '12, of Widener University, bussed to Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA for the 11-team Middle Atlantic Conference Outdoor Track & Field Championships where he competed in the 800m Run. Ross took 4th in his heat, 9th/26 overall, in 1:58.82. His team scored more than 100 points over their nearest competitor, Messiah College, and won the title for the second straight year and for the 16th time in history. Details at: Widener.
-- On May 3-4, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, traveled south with the rest of the mighty Griffins to Christopher Newport University near Hampton Roads Virginia for the Mason Dixon Conference Outdoor Track & Field Championships. Apparently the weather conditions weren't that good, with cold temperatures and stiff winds, but Justin still took 1st in the High Jump competition, clearing 1.95m (6' 4.75"). He also competed in the 100m Dash where he took 6th in his heat, 17th/23 overall, while clocking 11.67. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 3-5, 2013, Alums Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, competed at Rutgers in the BIG EAST Conference Outdoor Track & Field Championships. Darren raced the 110HH in 14.63, 3rd in his heat and 11th/15 overall. Steve led-off in the 4 X 800m Relay and his team took 2nd while clocking a fast 7:36.47. Rutgers took 3rd and Syracuse took 7th in the 13-team conference. Details at: Direct Results.
-- On May 4, 2013, Alum Josh Perez '10, of Manhattan College, traveled to Rider College in Lawrenceville, NJ for the MACC Outdoor Track & Field Championships. Josh raced the Open 800m, clocking 1:59.27 and taking 4th in his heat, 13th/22 overall; and the 4 X 800m Relay, where his team took 3rd/4 overall in 7:48.72. Manhattan took 2nd of the five teams in the competition. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 4, 2013, Alum Sean Hartnett '09, and Ed Kramer '10, of Monmouth University, stayed at home for the Northeast Conference Championships. Sean raced the 1500m in 4:07.28, taking 7th in his heat, 13th/20 overall. He also entered the 5K but finished with a "NT" in the event. Ed competed in the High Jump where he finished 3rd/16 overall, clearing 1.98m (6' 6"). Monmouth won the championship! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 4-5, 2013, Alum Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, traveled to the NJAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships at Rowan University. There he competed in the Open 400m, clocking 50-flat and taking 6th in his heat, 7th/26 overall; the Open 200m, clocking 22.56 and taking 1st in his heat, 4th/29 overall; and the 4 X 400m Relay that clocked 3:19.66, taking 2nd/8 overall! TCNJ won the championship over Rowan by a slim 15 points! Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 10-12, 2013, Alums Darren McCluskey '11, of Syracuse University, and Steve Burkholder '10, of Rutgers University, returned to Princeton University for the IC4A/ECAC DIV I Outdoor Track & Field Championships. Neither seemed to have good luck. Darren raced the 110HH in a relatively slow 14.80, taking 3rd in his heat, 26th/35 overall; and Steve raced in the Prelims of the 4 X 800m Relays, his team clocking 7:32.83, 3rd in the heat, 5th/21 overall, but he did not compete in the Finals! Rutgers took 2nd in the Finals, clocking 7:35.76. Just sayin'. Rutgers took 6th in the 47-team competition while Syracuse took 11th. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 12, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, traveled to North Carolina A & T in Greensboro for the Aggie Last Chance Meet. Not sure how this happened but they have him taking 1st in the High Jump in 2.10m (6' 10.75") but taking 2nd overall. Whatever, this outdoor PR moved him from 10th to 6th in the NCAA DIII rankings/seedings for the national championship. Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 12, 2013, Alums Brandon Rapp '12, of The College of New Jersey, and Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College traveled to Swarthmore College for their Final Qualifier. Brandon competed in the 400m Dash, clocking 50.32 and finishing 9th/24 overall. Justin competed in the Long Jump, where he jumped 6.48m (21' 31") finishing 2nd/7 overall. Details at: Swarthmore.
-- On May 16, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, competed in the ECAC DIV III Outdoor Track & Field Championships at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts. Justin won the High Jump competition, clearing 2.06m (6' 9.1"). Details at: Direct Athletics.
-- On May 19, 2013, Alum Justin Turner '09, of Gwynedd-Mercy College, was named a qualifier for the NCAA DIV III Outdoor Track & Field Championships at The University of Wisconsin - Lacrosse! Justin is ranked 6th in the nation going into the competition based on his 2.10m (6' 10.75") jump at the Aggie Last Chance Meet on May 12th. The results website is: NCAA DIV III.